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Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Nail Routine

I rarely paint my nails, I'm just too hard on them to redo them every week!
But I have a nail polish addiction...I literally own enough polishes to last me for my entire life.
So, I thought it was time to put them to use.

Today I want to share with y'all my go-to nail polish routine, I did this for my special Valentine's Day date & they actually turned out pretty well even though it's been so long since I've done them.
It makes me want to go back to painting them regularly, that's for sure.

The trick to making your nails last longer is the Gelous & the top coat.
To do my nails I follow these steps:
1) Two coats of Gelous; pausing in between to let each coat dry.
2) Two coats of the polish of your choice, letting each coat dry.
I chose OPI's Cajun Shrimp because it's the perfect red/pink shade. 
It had me jonesing for Spring & it was absolutely perfect for Valentine's Day.
3) One layer of Out the Door top coat.
4) If you're in a real hurry, the Essie Quick E is great-just a drop or two and your nails are dry in seconds! 

I went & hung out with the horses the morning of Valentine's Day & I grabbed this shot standing next to my horse Willow.

I know my nails aren't super long or anything, but the polish job looks pretty good if I do say so myself...and that ring though ;)

Hope y'all enjoyed this, since it was a little different than what I usually do!

Until next time. . .



  1. I love having painted nails, but I too just don't have the time or patience to keep doing them!

    1. I'm with you, I struggle with keeping up with the maintenance of them-but I love them while I have them!

      xoxo, SS

  2. What a gorgeous ring! I love the gelous polish :)

    XX, SS || A Little Seersucker Sass

    1. Aw, thank you so much! Gelous is my fave-it really helps my manis hold up under the pressure I put them under ;)

      xoxo, SS

  3. I also use the Gelous nail polish, and I love it! Congrats on your engagement, and good luck with the rest of your wedding planning process. Your ring is beautiful!



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